Monday 25 October 2010

My Favourite Animal ...

My favourite animal by far are CATS...definitely !! why I like them so much?? because I was raised with many cats by my side. My father is an animal lover, and he's always picking up homeless animals, and cats are always easier to have at fact, I've only had three dogs in my entire life. I said, I love cats. Many people think that cats are evil, and disloyal..but I don't think that..I think they're just too independent, and that is one of the things I like about them...they still have their wild instinct very developed, so they can survive by their own.

Another thing that I like about cats is the sound they make when they feel happy, and the way they express their love for people, lifting their tails and walking very near.
I know that many people would tell : " Dogs are very loyal and they will love you no matter what!" ..but...I think is very interesting how I've had to win cat's trust...I mean...When a cat shows love for you, it means that you've earned it, and he really loves you...but dogs are nice with everybody!! so I don't feel special for dogs :(...(I'm sorry miss, I know the dog is your favourite animal...).

The last thing I could say about cats is that I understand them better than any other animal...because it's been years living with cats, so I know what they want to say when they make sounds and I know how to treat them ..but dogs for me are really hard to understand !!

For all these reasons, Cats  will never be replaced in my heart!!!!

Thursday 14 October 2010

What to do and where to go in Santiago

To all tourist who travel to Santiago there's a lot of things to do and beautiful places to visit. First I would recommend cultural neighborhoods, like "barrio lastarria" , where people can find museums, old art cinemas, beautiful coffee shops, old book shops and specially a great place to get the best icecreams, "El emporio de la rosa", that is near to a big park. That's definitely a great place to visit because it has beautiful old buildings and big houses worthy of photograph.

Next, for a great lunch "chilean style" I would recommend sea food, so the next place to visit is the central market, where tourist can find the best sea food, great variety and great prices, for all family and of course for children, because if they don't like sea food there's always other options.

Third, specially for children there is the "Metropolitan Zoo", located in "Cerro San Cristobal". To get there you have to walk through the mountain or you can pay and get into a mini train that carries you towards the top of the mountain. In Cerro San Cristobal you can also visit the great virgin Mary at the top, or get into the "teleférico", which is a capsule attached to a wire that provides a great view.

The fourth place I would recommend is for night life. It's very knowned  "El Barrio bellavista", for it's night life. There's a lot of pubs so you can drink something and have a great time.

Finally, at the end of the day I would recommend something to relax and enjoy, and that would be the "University of Chile theatre" so the tourist can listen to good music played by the " Chilean Symphonic Orchestra" in a confortable place and have a wonderful evening.
These are the places that everyone has to visit if they come to Santiago..they cannot say that they were here if they didn't go there!

Thursday 7 October 2010

Death penalty...

Nowadays , death penalty is very controversial. It is an issue that not everybody wants to speak about because it carries a lot of ethical problems, but today I will talk about it anyway.

Considering the type of laws we have, I think that justice in Chile doesn't punish people as it should. I think it cares too much about "human rights" and maybe that's why offenders don't go to jail and still causing problems on the streets...So I support death penalty.

It's really strange what I think about this. Although I support death penalty, I also think that death ( at least for me) is like a present, so people in jail really doesn't deserve to die, because it's too easy...I mean, it's like an easy way to scape to the consequences, so, in my opinion, there must be another way to punish.

Maybe this might sound very tough, but let's be honest...Most of people in jail will never be rehabilitated, because they don't want to. They go out of jail and in a week they're killing and stealing again.

I have to consider that most of the countries that uses death penalty are not the most developed ones, and human rights are not considered, but extremes are not good at all.

In conclusĂ­on, I support death penalty, but just because I think that justice in Chile is not doing a good job...and the most important argument of all is that people in jail never thought about people's life when they did whatever they why do we have to think on their life? It's not fair...