Tuesday 7 December 2010

My experience learning English.

Certainly, learning a different language in these days is very important. Not only provides knowledge about other cultures, different ways of living and cosmovision, but also it makes you stand out among others, it gives you necessary tools to develop yourself in the modern world and enrich our own language.
The world is changing and, as students, we must adapt to it to be recognized as good professionals. One way to adapt to all the changes is English, because it allows us to introduce to the globalization of these days, and to make a good job it is necessary to be able to link the different parts of the globe.
For all of these reasons I wanted to talk about my own experience in the course.

When I started the semester I really doubted about how productive it was going to be learning English at university. Retake a new language forgotten for so many years is not easy, and every day I wondered how much I had really forgotten.
When the classes began, I realized that it was not as I imagined. The learning was more flexible, not so structured and it was very easy to have a great time.

Speaking in English in class is really helpful, specially if it’s about everyday topics and situations that makes you have an opinion about it. Definitely, expressing opinions is something that might help many times in life and we are not able to do it in most of the other subjects. Forming an opinion and also doing it in other language extends the way you see things and enrich the vocabulary, and it’s a good way for having all students spirited of participate.

About the impact of learning English in Veterinary Medicine, it happens to be a little different of the way we do things in the pilot. There is a special vocabulary for Veterinarians, which differs from the normal vocabulary and it is not easy. Diseases, body parts and instruments have to be learned apart. Fortunately, most of the papers that teachers send us to read are in English, and that is a very good way to enrich the vocabulary and getting used to speak in another level. That is ok, I think it’s a very good way to encourage English learning, understanding, reading and general culture.

In conclusion, having a subject related to open our minds to a changing world and that helps us to develop different opinions and critical mind it’s always useful. Definitely, we are not used to give our opinion about something, we just listen what teachers say. I really appreciate the chance that has been given to us and feeling that we really improved in writing and speaking is something motivator. The fact that constantly teachers gives us material in English allows us to be constantly training and practicing the language, which is something that, in the future, will make us better professionals.

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