Thursday 18 November 2010

T rex was a cannibal, teeth marks on Tyrannosaurus bones suggest

Researchers at Yale University were studying T-rex bones and they found out that they had marks of big teeth. Experts say that the only animal able to do such marks are other T- rex, because they were the biggest animals and the only dangerous predators. Beside, those marks were compared to other made by T rex to their victims, and they were the same.

There was the idea that this bites were made in a battle, but the bites were in both sides of the bone, in places difficult to reach in a living animal or were made a lot of times in the same place, so it's impossible to see a T rex standing still while is bitten.
The study suggest that T rex didn't kill the other one searching for food, just scavenged on the carcasses because someone else took the best meet first.
Other cannibal species is knowned for being cannibal, and that is the Majungatholus. However, Longrich (one of the experts) says that cannibalism is more common than we think, and some studies confirm that many other species were cannibals.
There is a big mistery around the life of this animals, but definitely this research is very important to uncover this.  

Sunday 14 November 2010

Faculty facilities improvement..

A very interesting topic to develop because is something that is happening right now and it probably will continue if we don't make something about it.

First...even though I think that Veterinary Medicine Faculty is extremely beautiful for it's nature, it is also a little far from the center of the city, so it's really difficult to be as important as the faculties there.
For this reason there´s a lot of things that need to be improved but is not going to happen.
I'm going to start saying that all classrooms are full with students, there are too it's very difficult to pay attention, specially in our career which is very hard to understand.
The second thing that I don't like is the Library, because it doesn't work as a's not in silence, everyone talk there so studying is almost imposible. Third, the casino food !!'s too expensive and not so good..and the attention is not the best either. 
And fourth and last...maybe is not so related with studies, but one of the things that really concerns me is "Mundo Granja", the farm. Students themselves think that the animals there are not in the best conditions, and is very sad to see that there are only a few people worried about them. solutions to the problems are: first, build more classrooms and divide the group, it would be easier and there could be  a better student/teacher relation..more close.
Second..establish rules on the library, maybe it would be better if they put the computers somewhere else..and replace them for chairs or cushions, something nice to study there.
Third, about the casino food...nothing to do there I guess...obviously improve the food quality or make it cheaper.
About Mundo Granja, I would establish a volunteers program, which allows all students from any year of studies to go there to the farm and help with the animals ( of course giving credits for that). This way, animals are better and students get more practice.

I know all of this solutions are not so easy to do..but they would work and I know that the people in the Faculty can do it...they just need to really concern about the students.

Thursday 4 November 2010

My favourite movie of all time !!

Definitely I have a lot of favourite movies but one of the movies I always watch and I don't get bored is BACK TO THE FUTURE! I love the three of them..but specially the second one.

"Back to the future" it's about time travels, a very interesting topic because  is the basis of many current paradigms, so I could say that is a science fiction film, mixed with some comedy.
I watched the film for the first time a long time ago and I liked it immediately.

The main characters are Marty Mc fly, a young 80's boy and Dr. Emmet Brown, a crazy inventor that builds a car that works as a time machine, which  he calls " the De lorean". The movie starts when Dr. Emmet Brown gets shot by terrorist, so Marty accidentaly uses the De Lorean to scape, travelling to the past. There, he meets with Dr Emmet of the past and tries to go back to the present, and any changes will have repercussions in the present.

What I like about this movie is that is very well made for it's time. It was filmed in the 80's and the film still remains on everybody's mind as a classic. It has a lot of good effects, effects that were not made by computer so that means it was a hard work, the story is great, very well done, everything fits between movies, it's an interesting topic to develop and is continuous from the first to the last movie, it breaks the premise that second movies are worse than first ones...and of course it leaves a lot of teachings too, like leaving the pride behind, or love for the family...In the film, Marty had to travel a lot through time to change not only his life but also his parents life, taking care of them and they never knew about this.. even though parents are the ones that must take care of their sons.

For this..the film " Back to the future" is my favourite..specially because it's about time paradigms which is something I really love and enjoy !