Thursday 18 November 2010

T rex was a cannibal, teeth marks on Tyrannosaurus bones suggest

Researchers at Yale University were studying T-rex bones and they found out that they had marks of big teeth. Experts say that the only animal able to do such marks are other T- rex, because they were the biggest animals and the only dangerous predators. Beside, those marks were compared to other made by T rex to their victims, and they were the same.

There was the idea that this bites were made in a battle, but the bites were in both sides of the bone, in places difficult to reach in a living animal or were made a lot of times in the same place, so it's impossible to see a T rex standing still while is bitten.
The study suggest that T rex didn't kill the other one searching for food, just scavenged on the carcasses because someone else took the best meet first.
Other cannibal species is knowned for being cannibal, and that is the Majungatholus. However, Longrich (one of the experts) says that cannibalism is more common than we think, and some studies confirm that many other species were cannibals.
There is a big mistery around the life of this animals, but definitely this research is very important to uncover this.  

1 comment:

  1. Researchers at Yale University were studying T-rex bones and they found out that they had marks of big teeth. Experts say that the only animal able to do such marks are other T- rex, because they were the biggest animals and the only dangerous predators. Beside, those marks were compared to other made by T rex to their victims, and they were the same.

    There was the idea that this bites were made in a battle, but the bites were in both sides of the bone, in places difficult to reach in a living animal or were made a lot of times in the same place, so it's impossible to see a T rex standing still while is bitten.
    The study SVA suggest that T rex didn't kill the other one searching for food, just scavenged on the carcasses because someone else took the best meet first.
    Other cannibal species is WF knowned for being cannibal, and that is the Majungatholus. However, Longrich (one of the experts) says that cannibalism is more common than we think, and some studies confirm that many other species were cannibals.
    There is a big mistery around the life of this animals, but definitely this research is very important to uncover this.

    I have never heard of that! very interesting.
