Thursday 4 November 2010

My favourite movie of all time !!

Definitely I have a lot of favourite movies but one of the movies I always watch and I don't get bored is BACK TO THE FUTURE! I love the three of them..but specially the second one.

"Back to the future" it's about time travels, a very interesting topic because  is the basis of many current paradigms, so I could say that is a science fiction film, mixed with some comedy.
I watched the film for the first time a long time ago and I liked it immediately.

The main characters are Marty Mc fly, a young 80's boy and Dr. Emmet Brown, a crazy inventor that builds a car that works as a time machine, which  he calls " the De lorean". The movie starts when Dr. Emmet Brown gets shot by terrorist, so Marty accidentaly uses the De Lorean to scape, travelling to the past. There, he meets with Dr Emmet of the past and tries to go back to the present, and any changes will have repercussions in the present.

What I like about this movie is that is very well made for it's time. It was filmed in the 80's and the film still remains on everybody's mind as a classic. It has a lot of good effects, effects that were not made by computer so that means it was a hard work, the story is great, very well done, everything fits between movies, it's an interesting topic to develop and is continuous from the first to the last movie, it breaks the premise that second movies are worse than first ones...and of course it leaves a lot of teachings too, like leaving the pride behind, or love for the family...In the film, Marty had to travel a lot through time to change not only his life but also his parents life, taking care of them and they never knew about this.. even though parents are the ones that must take care of their sons.

For this..the film " Back to the future" is my favourite..specially because it's about time paradigms which is something I really love and enjoy !

1 comment:

  1. Definitely I have a lot of favourite movies but one of the movies I always watch and I don't get bored is BACK TO THE FUTURE! I love the three of them..but specially the second one.

    "Back to the future" it's about time travels, a very interesting topic because is the basis of many current paradigms, so I could say that is a science fiction film, mixed with some comedy.
    I watched the film for the first time a long time ago and I liked it immediately.

    The main characters are Marty Mc fly, a young 80's boy and Dr. Emmet Brown, a crazy inventor that builds a car that works as a time machine, which he calls " the De lorean". The movie starts when Dr. Emmet Brown gets shot by terrorist, so Marty accidentaly uses the De Lorean to scape, travelling to the past. There, he meets with Dr Emmet of the past and tries to go back to the present, and any changes will have repercussions in the present.

    What I like about this movie is that is very well made for it's time. It was filmed in the 80's and the film still remains on everybody's mind as a classic. It has a lot of good effects, effects that were not made by computer so that means it was a hard work, the story is great, very well done, everything fits between movies, it's an interesting topic to develop and is continuous from the first to the last movie, it breaks the premise that second movies are worse than first ones...and of course it leaves a lot of teachings too, like leaving the pride behind, or love for the family...In the film, Marty had to travel a lot through time to change not only his life but also his parents life, taking care of them and they never knew about this.. even though parents are the ones that must take care of their sons.

    For this..the film " Back to the future" is my favourite..specially because it's about time paradigms which is something I really love and enjoy !

    nothing to correct. Well done!

    p.s. I like that move too
