Thursday 30 September 2010

Country I would like to visit...CHINA!

I've always liked Asian countries, so it's very difficult for me to choose only one. Today I will choose China. I love everything about China so I would be very happy if I can travel there sometime. First of all, I love the culture ( their old culture of course), because they have a beautiful history, many great legends that talk about honor, love and bravery. Every battle not only means violence, they fight for a reason..a life goal. I love the chinese temples, the structure of them, the mountains and even the ordinary streets. What I like the most about China it's chinese philosophy. China It's an old country full of knowledge so I would say that they know more than everybody how to heal human body. Many of my beliefs are from China. I like very much what they say about energy, and how a correct movement of energy in the body can heal or improve life. That energy can be moved by many ways, like Tai Chi or even meditation ( an aspect that also share people from India). That kind of things for me are really important and I try to follow some of their advices to improve my life too. Chinese people are wise, they know about everything and I believe everything they say. I also like chinese martial arts, like Kung Fu, Win Chun, etc. Many people would say that martial arts are only violence, but they don't know that it's a way to develop body, mind and spirit. Every movement can be applied to life, every punch or kick it's like a problem ir our life, and just as in martial arts, you have to find out the best way to avoid them or fight back. Excercise like that moves energy too, and that's very important because chinese people say that deseases are only detained energy. I also love that old people are respected, because they represent knowledge. Here in Chile we can't see that, there is no respect for old people. The music is something I really enjoy! But not commercial music..I like meditation music, with chinese chants and beautiful instruments. I also enjoy chinese films, martial arts films of course! because most of the time are about famous legends, (which are beautiful) and sometimes are about famous people (like the founder of some martial arts school with a difficult life, many great fights and a very honorable death). The last thing I could say is that I love chinese people, I can't help staring at a chinese person when I walk on the street a psycho :).
I would definitely go to the temples, practice martial arts with an old master with white hair in the himalaya and eat a lot!!
In conclusion, I love everything about China!!! It's my favourite country by far! So I really hope to go there sometime!   

1 comment:

  1. I've always liked Asian countries, so it's very difficult for me to choose only one. Today I will choose China. I love everything about China so I would be very happy if I can travel there sometime. First of all, I love the culture ( their old culture of course), because they have a beautiful history, many great legends that talk about honor, love and bravery. Every battle not only means violence, they fight for a reason..a life goal. I love theCAPS chinese temples, the structure of them, the mountains and even the ordinary streets. What I like the most about China it's chinese philosophy. China WW It's an old country full of knowledge so I would say that they know more than everybody how to heal human body. Many of my beliefs are from China. I like very much what they say about energy, and how a correct movement of energy in the body can heal or improve life. That energy can be moved by many ways, like Tai Chi or even meditation ( an aspect that also share people from India). That kind of things for me are really important and I try to follow some of their advices to improve my life too. Chinese people are wise, they know about everything and I believe everything they say. I also like chinese martial arts, like Kung Fu, Win Chun, etc. Many people would say that martial arts are only violence, but they don't know that it's a way to develop body, mind and spirit. Every movement can be applied to life, every punch or kick it's like a problem ir our life, and just as in martial arts, you have to find out the best way to avoid them or fight back. Excercise like that moves energy too, and that's very important because chinese people say that deseases are only detained energy. I also love that old people are respected, because they represent knowledge. Here in Chile we can't see that, there is no respect for old people. The music is something I really enjoy! But not commercial music..I like meditation music, with chinese chants and beautiful instruments. I also enjoy chinese films, martial arts films of course! because most of the time are about famous legends, (which are beautiful) and sometimes are about famous people (like the founder of some martial arts school with a difficult life, many great fights and a very honorable death). The last thing I could say is that I love chinese people, I can't help staring at a chinese person when I walk on the street a psycho :).
    I would definitely go to the temples, practice martial arts with an old master with white hair in the himalaya and eat a lot!!
    In conclusion, I love everything about China!!! It's my favourite country by far! So I really hope to go there sometime!

    wow! you're writing is excellent! very well written...
    the only thing I would suggest is paragraphing i.e. try to divide your arguments into sentences and then paragraphs ok? remember the connectors.
    miss you're a psycho with Chinese uh?
