Thursday 9 September 2010

First semester 2010

Last semester was one of the most important moments in my life. So many things happened, starting on holidays. I started to be more independent ( I had to learn), I became closer to my family and friends and suddenly it was like I was in a different world, everything was new to me, but it has been very useful for my personal development and I started my first semester of university full of energy to face new challenges. It really wasn't so hard. I had time for studying and doing things I enjoy, like drawing or playing guitar.  I had problems with some of the subjects, I had to suspend the second semester of histology to take maths. Now that I think about it, it wasn't necesary to suspend....and this situation has been really problematic.
I was also really interested in sports, specially martial arts. Since last year I was practicing "Tae kwon do", a korean martial art, as a sports elective. I really like martial arts, I've been practicing for two years a little bit of everything, but at the end I wasn't practicing because I needed to focus on exams. Honestly "tae kwon do" wasn't for me and I really need to feel good in things like that. One of the things I like the most are my friends here. We are eight girls and we are all different from each other, but very close. Also I've met a lot of new people this year. I haven't met with my school friends too much this years, but we're planning something for september holidays. My family is ok, even though there have been many deaths this year. My dad is working a lot ( too much) almost all week, and my mom is searching for a better job, so we're "surviving". One of the great things about this semester is my new pet( I don't like to call him "pet"). I picked him from the street in january. He is a dog and his name is "Kuro", that means "black" in japanese... he's six months old and he's like a cocker, but mixed cocker, so he's hyperactive..we've tried to teach him to obey, but it's impossible, so we aborted the mission. I think it's been a very good semester, full of new things, full of challenges..but good after all. I've learned a lot, and I've decided that somehow I have to make some changes in my life..     

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