Thursday 23 September 2010


When I think about transantiago I can only think about bad things..but it isn't so bad after all, it has some good aspects too. First of all, they're bigger, so they have more space for people, everything inside is wider ( but it could be negative too..). Buses also have space for disable people, and allows them to get on the bus in an easier way. Everything is more organized. Bus drivers don't have to be worried about the payment anymore, and those anoying tickets are gone! everything is digital and faster. Buses also looks better. There are also established bus stops and that reduce a little the accidents. Now lets talk about the negative side...Maybe they are too big for Santiago, or too "long"..sometimes the "tail" of the buses cannot be controlled and causes a lot of accidents ( I've heard about many)..and serious accidents..but drivers don't care at all! ( that has always been like that..), the arrival time of the buses is not well controlled...sometimes are too many buses of one determined number and no other...and people starts to fill all the bus stop, it's a mess! One of the things I don't like about established bus stops is that if I want to take the bus between two bus stops, the bus doesn't stop and I have to run ¬¬ . I have to mention that some of the buses have a little stair in the middle to get to an "upper floor" full of sits..I think that's kind of dangerous for people who REALLY needs to sit ( And is not about being's about safety!) Last thing I don't like about the new system are the routes. I hate taking so many buses to get somewhere..And that's exactly what I would change...Maybe longer travels , longer routes...I think taking three buses is too much! even though you pay less. That's what I like about the old system. I have to say that it has improved a lot since transantiago started. There was a huge problem with routes, a lot of buses were needed in many places, and now it seems that all that places are covered and there are more buses working. People was not happy at the beggining but now I think they're getting used to this. And just like people , I think I also need to get used to a system that even if it is a bad european copy, is now part of our "bad copies collection" and of course, our chilean culture!.

1 comment:

  1. When I think about transantiago I can only think about bad things..but it isn't so bad after all, it has some good aspects too. First of all, they're bigger, so they have more space for people, everything inside is wider ( but it could be negative too..). Buses also have space for WF disable people, and allows them to get on the bus in an easier way. Everything is more organized. Bus drivers don't have to be worried about the payment anymore, and those SP anoying tickets are gone! everything is digital and faster. Buses also looks better. There are also established bus stops and that reduce a little the accidents. Now lets talk about the negative side...Maybe they are too big for Santiago, or too "long"..sometimes the "tail" of the buses cannot be controlled and causes a lot of accidents ( I've heard about many)..and serious accidents..but drivers don't care at all! ( that has always been like that..), the arrival time of the buses is not well controlled...sometimes are too many buses of one determined number and no other...and people SVA starts to fill all the bus stop, it's a mess! One of the things I don't like about established bus stops is that if I want to take the bus between two bus stops, the bus doesn't stop and I have to run ¬¬ . I have to mention that some of the buses have a little stair in the middle to get to an "upper floor" full of sits..I think that's kind of dangerous for people who REALLY SVA needs to sit ( And is not about being's about safety!) ^Last thing I don't like about the new system are the routes. I hate taking so many buses to get somewhere..And that's exactly what I would change...Maybe longer travels , longer routes...I think taking three buses is too much! even though you pay less. That's what I like about the old system. I have to say that it has improved a lot since transantiago started. There was a huge problem with routes, a lot of buses were needed in many places, and now it seems that all that places are covered and there are more buses working. People SVA was not happy at the beggining but now I think they're getting used to this. And just like people , I think I also need to get used to a system that even if it is a bad european copy, is now part of our "bad copies collection" and of course, our CAPSchilean culture!.

    well done!!! very good ideas. I agree with you some copies are not the best idea.
    Remember to use some connectors between sentences ok?
